
~ i read in these ash signs - ~

when you're on the edge and drunk, you don't think. and when you don't think, you might end up foretelling your future from a random page of a random book, might you not. a random sentence of a greenbacked voice.

but i said: 'if you please, we will commit ourselves to this void, and see whether Providence is here also. if you will not, i will.' but he answer'd: 'do not presume, o young man, but as we here remain, behold thy lot, which will soon appear when the darkness passes away.'

william, seriously? the pages i've always felt were meant for me, now at random? is a sign that obvious still a sign or is it more like a poke in the head of a fool?

- we've been through hell

even if married

they say manuscripts never burn
shall we see if i am one

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