
~ unintended ~

please, smile

i feel like oharu returning from shimabara. last days have taught me to understand japanese art on a completely new level, a deeper one. i overtook their way of existence.

there's something deeply wrong with being broken under a clear sky, in warmth, in a perfect surface and a practical non-worry. coming from a country of paradoxes i should be able to handle this dissonance skillfully. i am not. running on autopilot, i have no clue what i am doing.

i weep for him, i weep for him now

i'm singing a lot lately. today i sat and scribbled down a map of oslo, leaving supposedly many tourist out of any cartographical clue about the city. june married saturn. in july i marked the city of swan.

1 comment:

  1. clarity of japanese art cuts deep. well known feeling that never leaves. presumably, that's the reason i keep changing writing spaces in search of similar simplicity. theoretically.

