
~ jane sparrow's tambourine ~

so… seems like there comes some massive painting sessions, got the place that i wanted. if i'm surprised? not at all, but it's nothing i could say i've expected either. it was one of these choices that are unexpectedly enlightening when they come, completely illogic when you consider them, and just perfect when you live them. once you've recognized it, you follow it.

and now, this entry is a thanksgiving one. right now i am thinking of each and every single person that believed in what i create. i abandoned drawing for many years, it was a bit like forgetting who, and more importantly - HOW, i am. you reminded me of myself. you saw what i didn't notice. you showed me that what i do matters. that it changes a day of your life, or even a minute. that you feel at home in some corners of my soul where i thought i was solitary. you were the dots that, after joining, stretched in a line that guided me.

i am where i am because of you. i love this place and no words can contain the gratitude i feel for you. this is something i will always remember, creating will be the way of giving back what i owe. with full heart.

anyway the wind blows, time to take out the hawaii shirt!

today i am Stinky dancing with the tambourine, rolling down a green hill and inviting the world to join.

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