
~ stray dogs ~

when a saami is chosen to become a noaidi, a shaman, he has two options. he can accept this promotion or deny it. in the case of the second alternative sajva, the helping spirits of a noaidi, torment him until he changes his mind.
tonight it striked me that for long, long years i've had my chest cramped because of this denial. the field was different but the rule remains the same. and now? a release. countless beats. full colour. urge. eights. limitlessness.

the snake is long, seven miles

when the houses of cards fall, which is by as little as a breath, you can finally see the sunset.
it's now. what has begun in december - side 24 in a why-so-morning-and-why-so-broke nomad sunshine - reached its closing within the last few days. got a level-up of my understanding of plato's triad: there is nothing more worth living than the truth.

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