
~ surprise ice ~

brother, are you watching me
i've been walking a straight line travelling from town to town

amazing how a song can diametrically change its meaning if only you switch focus from one line to another. how this dichotomy can run down your spine one day - that surprise ice can become something more and different from what you've taken for granted.

there are nights when splintered mirrors which you resurrect with afraid fingers give a better picture in the end. there are nights when you sense for the first time the closeness to becoming both strong and tender. this is a night like this, a night when i sat down at the desk without a purpose and suddenly found myself in this trace. the brush landed in the remains of my tea that soon became blue, violet and chaotic. accident and running while took over.

i am surprised with myself, and with ice.
time of shiver, yet i can't help myself from daring. done pale days' homework.

1 comment:

  1. "afraid fingers"..hmm..
    As you piece it together you cut yourself, your image keeps shifting..
    ..and you change with it.
