
~ descend, snowflake ~

so yesterday night i made the first analog drawing since high-school.
how did it feel?

as if you awoke to the world of sparks

i can't imagine i could forget how much joy and happiness it used to bring me. unbelievable how that could happen. never again.

it's about what it's about. i stepped into the fresh snow tonight, snowflakes fell gently and landed into my hair. it was night, Maria and i were taking a walk to the folk dance classes.
when i'm alone and walking in the snowfall, i often raise my face towards the falling whitebits., then stop, breathe deeply and feel how snow is turning into water on my cheeks. and when a snowflake lands on my lip, when i feel how the ice melts into something warm and soft - it's like a kiss.

it's like a kiss.
a promise.
then i know you're in every particle.

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