
~ darker side of the moon ~

what is it that makes night so appealing?

i should be long asleep by now. instead - i'm feeling.
reflecting the shadows on the walls. chat noir on the poster above. music on.
something's gone wrong with my lung today, it still hurts when i breathe.
i don't know how things happen to me. they just do.

and it's not that i don't like daytime, only that -

sunrise comes too soon


  1. thank you. your ability to understand and value teenage polish is impressive, i must admit (;

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Actually I don't speak Polish. To be honest I mostly just really liked the line:

    'and it's not that i don't like daytime, only that-

    sunrise comes too soon'


  4. well, i've always regarded men who can make women laugh as quite clever - it's no easy task, and something you've just achieved - thank you for that. it's dusky & coily over here.
    there's a relief in this oh-holy-misunderstanding fact as i find the text on the picture graphomanic and, well, teenage. i'd rather you didn't appreciate it, whatever the reason, because i don't find much in it either. i still like the ideas of my 20-year-old mind though even though the form is pathetic.

    now my turn for a disappointment: sunrise comes too soon is a title of late night alumni's song. that evening was spun around it. that's how i live - i have a stave threaded alongside my spine. without music, i would never write anything, draw anything, remember anything. glad you liked the passage though.

    not getting the right idea is very ok. no mistake - no learning. in the end your conclusion was correct. sorry for the panic, i can speak in a confusing way. and then weird - what does it mean, really? for me it only equals a word you've already used: genuine.

    it's flattering, and thank you ^2, and gives a funny feeling to be called clever when you in the very realest real - know nothing.

  5. Oh... you saw the now-deleted comment. I started regretting posting it like 5 minutes after I posted it, that's how that usually works I guess.

    Now it looks ridiculous up there, my bad.

    I'm very glad to have made you laugh. I don't mind that you got the line(or half of it) from a song. You thought to put it there. That's good enough.

    I both like and dislike that you say you know nothing. I guess it's because I'm of the mind that if you're aware that you know nothing you're already more clever than most people, or something.

  6. yes, i'm a ninja. this black background hides me well.

    be calm. i know this mechanism very well myself. nothing to feel ridiculous for.

    i see what you mean. i had a little different knowledge in mind - not the one realizing facts but the one realizing how they interconnect, act, exist. you can move there by intuition, that's what i mostly do. but we live in a dissonant world.

  7. This is getting pretty philosophical pretty quickly. I feel out of my element. Maybe you would say we all are, or that none of us are.

    You sound brave.

  8. i am.
    which doesn't give me too long a future ahead ;) problem of retirement out of my head, at least.

  9. I... am unsure on how to take that, are you being literal? I did read what you said about your spine, I didn't want to ask about it as it might have been too personal.

  10. i am literal about being brave and that this feature can easily shorten your life.
    stave was a metaphor. stave meaning the five lines on which you note music.

    everything about this place is personal.

  11. Jesus, I thought you had like a surgery thing or something, god damnit. I'm an idiot, sorry. I got really worried though, because it seemed like a metaphor, but I wasn't sure. Jeez. English isn't my first language, I just took it for like a metal rod or something. I am relieved and embarrassed. But I'm sure you won't mind.

  12. i don't ;) english is a foreign language for me too, an oversight can lie on either side. so it's not your english, it's just the curse/blessing of polysemy.

  13. I promise I didn't google polysemy.

    Hey, I found this blog because of your account on goodreads, would you mind it terribly if I friended you on there?

  14. haha... you score, google-free being.
    sure, go on. never met anyone new through that place yet.
